Global Marketing

by | Jun 28, 2021 | Assignment

Complete 12 page APA formatted essay:

Global Marketing The UK food or drink product or brand must not be currently available in the selected market. The company primary founders of the organization are John Wrigh, Adam Balcon, Richard Reed and Maurice Pinto (Wiggins, 2005). At the time of inception, the company had begun to operate with very few employees and possessed limited hierarchy in business. It should be noted that the organization does not own any personal juicing facilities. The corporation just contracts the vocation of mechanized smoothies to different sites. The founders of the company had commenced the business only after analyzing the emerging market demand of smootheis across all economies. With the essence of its superior products and marketing skills, the Innocent Drinks have experienced rising revenue from both its domestic and foreign markets. It at present owns the widest market demand share for smoothies in London.

However, the organization is facing monetary crunches in business and has hence joined hands with Coca Cola only for financing purposes. At present Coca Cola owns 90% stake of Innocent Drinks but its commercial strategies and policies for international are considered and determined by its own senior management officials (Lucas, 2013). Thus, the marketing official of the company ensures that any new foreign business expansion program is viable and rational. This is because. raising money for unproductive projects would become non feasible and challenging for the officials.

Innocent Drinks had never resisted expending its business in new markets, despite of facing numerous financial problems in commerce. Previously, the company had expanded its trade in some international markets by distributing its products in the new marketplaces through giant multinational supermarket chains like Tesco and Sainsbury. The main markets of the company are Ireland and U.K. Almost 90% revenue of the firm is acquired from the sales in these two economies. However, overtime the company has successfully entered within the markets of Netherlands, Belgium, France and Luxembourg.

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