Final Exam Operations Management

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Assignment

Prepare and submit a term paper on Final Exam Operations Management. Your paper should be a minimum of 2500 words in length. All the players have a critical role in the creation of quality goods and services. For smooth operations among, the players information has to fro to and fro on a timely basis. Human beings differ in thought, and therefore, to harmonize their roles in value creation one has to manage the chain. The critical activities cannot operate in a vacuum and thus will require other supporting processes like accounting and finance. The overall upper management tries to ensure the critical activities, and the supporting activities communicate seamlessly.At this point, one should understand why operation management is vital. Other than leading one to career in future, the benefits are beyond measurable instrument in the logistics field. First resources are very scarce, and it requires one to make fast and sound decision for their usage. Decision regarding trade-off are a day-to-day activities, the degree of benefit and loss are the determinant factor in making the correct verdict. Understanding and appreciation of the role played by the supporting processes in the organization cannot be underestimated (Oakland, 49). Lead time can be influenced by how client’s request is handled by the finance department. Operation management assists in determining the best model for a firm in it is production. A good example of a model that can be adopted is the lean manufacturing model. The model discourages activities that will not add value to the end product. A firm should always make reasonable expenses, and the expenses should be minimized without compromising the quality of the final product.An organization is determined by how it can produce its goods and services. This being the case then the goods and services need to be of the best quality. The push by consumers to have value for their money makes a firm to think of other means to meet the demand from the consumers.

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