Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Fall 2010 November Elections.That in itself might be a good thing. The flawed Healthcare bill is likely to be seriously amended by the Republicans. Obama tried to ram through a lot of bills that many Americans did not support. He also tried to spend his way out of the recession. This didnt work and people were very unhappy. With his stimulus bill he made a promise: Give me nearly $1 trillion to spend and I will give you more jobs. That didnt happen. The Republicans believe that a lot fewer of the solutions to the economic situation lie in the hands of government. They want the private sector to pick up the slack.The truth is that the outcome of the election may result in some deadlock but that is not necessarily a bad thing. The founding fathers were not big fans of government. They were happy to see government weakened which would allow people to make their own decisions in their own small towns. That is what we may see
Fall 2010 November Elections
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