Ethical theories

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Throughout this course, you have examined multiple ethical theories, among them: utilitarianism, deontological, normative ethics, ethical relativism, natural law, virtue theory, and so forth. Chapter 15 in your textbook presents three additional ethical theories: ethical egoism, hedonism, and Stoicism. Explore the normative and analytical philosophies of morality and criminal justice in Duff’s Theories of Criminal Law (Links to an external site.) (2012). Which of the listed theories, or any ethical theory you choose to research, provides the best “model” for ethical behavior in criminal justice? Carefully explain the major premises of the ethical theory and provide both the positives and negatives of the application of this theory to the field of criminal justice.A necessary focus of your discussion will be an examination of which areas of the field of criminal justice require the most moral conduct and ethical consideration. Provide an analysis as to which ethical theory will best serve society as a whole, and the field of criminal justice in particular.

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