Essay on small business enterprise

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Assignment

Essay on Small business enterprise.

The essay is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. In addition, most small business administration do set the capacity of the company depending on the structures of the enterprise. It includes the number of the employees and the level of revenue generated by the industry (Broom and Longenecker, 2011). However, the company can be small, medium or large business depending on the description that that the ministry in charge in any given country will provide. For example, in the United States, the small business plan is a firm whose gross average for the previous three years is not more than the current total average. In addition, the rating of the company also bases on the value of assets, annual sales as well as the net profit.

The medium sized business enterprise includes. Tata Motors and the Texas Accountants firm. The two companies have varying profiles that guide the operations of the companies. In addition, the company profile always acts as a guide to the customers of that particular enterprise (Sen, 2008). Company profile is also a requirement that that the business plans ought to have in order to acquire permission to run the company. It is a small automobile company in India that has consolidated revenues of $ 2,000,000 in 2012-2013.

The company is making efforts to increase its yearly income and the number of employees. The Tata motor group has 20,000 employees who are operating under a vision and the mission of the company (Keith and Gubellini, 2014). Tata Motors was put up in 1970. the company management has been trying to increase its annual revenue as well the number of employs it employs. In addition, the company will be in a position to boost its current status to medium business enterprise. The company is also opening various branches to increase its sales volume (Andersson, Miles and Ward, 1996). In addition, the company is also making efforts over different brands in the market in

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