Ernst and young

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Create a 4 page paper that discusses ernst and young. ‘Ernst and Young’ has a very strong Internet presence. The company through its website has helped the external stakeholders get a view of the different activities that the firm undertakes in the field of Financial Services Consulting. Moreover, the different industries which the consulting firms cater on a worldwide basis are also listed in the website. Further, the philosophy and core values of the company are also listed in the company website of Ernst and Young. The website is created to generate information about its liaison activities through publishing information of events during international conferences and press meets (Ernst & Young, 2010). Ernst and Young through the use of Internet have endeavored to go for a brand extension (Rigopoulou, n.d.) It has helped the company in finding out newer markets which in turn has helped in greatly reducing the sales and operational cost of the company. Through the advent of electronic commerce, terms like Business to Business Commerce and Business to Consumer Commerce have come into existence where the activities of business has crossed the boundaries of regions and nations. The company through the development of networking activities can participate on an international scale in trade fairs and exhibitions where they can generate a mass appeal and get consumers’ response (Dransfield, Richards & Dooley, 2004. Neild & Carysforth, 2004, p. 377).

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