Electrochemistry Half Cells and Half equations

by | Sep 4, 2021 | Assignment

Electrochemistry Half Cells and Half equations help with question 2,4,6, ,19, and 23 Attachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 320.Clean a strip of lead metal with sandpaper.Place the lead strip into the copperIll) sulfate solution24. Observe the solution and metal for 10 min.from Step 19 of the Procedure.Remove the zinc strip from the solution. Discard theleadlil) nitrate solution and the used zinc strip into21. Observe the solution and metal for 10 min.the appropriately marked containers as designatedRemove the lead strip from the solution. Discard theby the laboratory instructor.copper(ll) sulfate solution and the used lead strip intothe appropriately marked containers as designatedQuestion #20: What changes were observed whenthe zinc strip was in the lead(ll)by the laboratory instructor.nitrate solution?Question #16: What changes were observed whenthe lead strip was in the copper(!!)sulfate solution?Question #21: According to Table 1, which shouldgive up electrons more easily, zinc orlead? Are the observations recordedQuestion #17: According to Table 1, which shouldin Question #20 consistent with yourgive up electrons more easily, leadanswer? Explain briefly.or copper? Are the observationsrecorded in Question 16 consistentwith your answer? Explain briefly.Question #22: Write a chemical equation thatdescribes the observation noted inthe answer to Question #20.Question #18: Write a chemical equation thatdescribes the observations noted inthe answer to Question #16.Question #23: Roughly sketch an electrochemicalcell similar to that shown in Figure 1.This cell should have the sameQuestion #19: Roughly sketch an electrochemicaloverall cell reaction as that given incell similar to that shown in Figure 1.Question #22. Indicate the directionThis cell should have the sameof electron flow in the cell.overall cell reaction as that given inQuestion #18. Indicate the directionof electron flow in the cell.

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