Effective thesis statements

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Assignment

Carefully read and follow the instructions below, and then choose one of the provided topics and write an original, well-developed, five-paragraph essay. Review chapters 2, 3, and 4 regarding effective thesis statements, titles, introductions, conclusions, formatting, etc.Instructions:Choose one of the three topics listed below to write an essay according to the corresponding pattern. Begin the essay with an introduction before the thesis statement. At the end of the introduction paragraph, include a thesis statement that expresses some type of attitude or opinion. BE SURE TO UNDERLINE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT. Include your three supporting points within or immediately after your thesis statement. Write supporting paragraphs in the same order the points were listed in the introduction paragraph. Provide an effective conclusion. Revise to make sure sentences make sense and sufficient details are provided; take out sentences that stray from the topic or do not make sense. Be sure the essay has a title and you have properly labeled your paper. Double space your essay. Do not single space. Proofread carefully to catch grammar, spelling, punctuation and other errors.CHOOSE FROM ONE OF THE ESSAY TOPICS BELOW AND WRITE A WELL DEVELOPED, FIVE PARAGRAPH ESSAY. YOUR ESSAY MUST HAVE AN INTRODUCTION, THREE BODY PARAGRAPHS AND A CONCLUSION.EACH BODY PARAGRAPH MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF TEN (10) SENTENCES.THE INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF FIVE SENTENCES.Essay Topic 1Description: Write a descriptive essay andchoose from oneof the following three descriptive topics.Descriptive Topic #1 – Childhood memory orDescriptive Topic #2 – Ideal date /ideal mate orDescriptive Topic #3 – An event that has made you a better person.——————————————————————————————————————————————-Essay Topic 2Illustration: Watch the following TED Talks video link by speaker Tony Porter. Watch it again, if necessary. Then, write an essay illustrating three reasons why breaking from the “Man Box” is essential to a healthy relationship. Feel free to include evidence from the video and/or your own personal experience to illustrate your points. Also, keep in mind that illustrative essaysmust includetransitions such as, “For instance, for example, to illustrate, another example, specifically, as an illustration,” and so forth. Click the link below or copy it to your browser to pull up the TED Talks video.https://www.ted.com/talks/tony_porter_a_call_to_men?language=en(Links to an external site.)——————————————————————————————————————————–Essay Topic 3Narration:Narrate an embarrassingchildhood moment or situationthat you experienced.

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