Educational leaders

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Respond to the post 200 words and 2 APA cites not over 3 years old:Educational leaders are not just leaders but they are managers as well. Cordeiro & Cunningham (2012) states that “Leadership has to do with guiding improvements and infusing an organization with meaning and purpose, whereas management is involved with stewardship and accountability for all types of resources. It is very important for the educational leader of the organization to run it smoothly. Educational leaders promote staff development as well as lifelong teaching and learning.  Teachers also need to be given opportunities to work with other teachers and share teaching practices.The Florida Department of Education (2019) states that the purpose is the standards that are set forth in rule as Florida’s core expectations for effective school administrators. The standards are based on contemporary research on multi-dimensional school leadership, and represent skills sets and knowledge bases needed in effective schools. In these standards the Florida Department of Education (2019) gives us these 4 standards pertaining to the organizational leadership:Decision making.  Effective school leaders employ and monitor a decision-making process that is based on vision, mission and improvement priorities using facts and data.Leadership Development. Effective school leaders actively cultivate, support, and develop other leaders within the organization.School Management. Effective school leaders manage the organization, operation, and facilities in ways that maximize the use of resources to promote a safe, efficient, legal, and effective learning environment.Communication. Effective school leaders practice two-way communication and use appropriate oral, written, and electronic communication and collaboration skills to accomplish school and system goals by building and maintaining relationships with students, faculty, parents, and community.References:Cordeiro, Paula A & Cunningham, William G (2012). Educational leadership: a bridge to            improved practice (Fifth edition). Pearson Education, Boston, Mass.Florida Department of Education (2019). Retrieved from:  

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