Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the accolade

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

With some idea for this prompt belowDoes Abraham Lincoln deserve the accolade “The Great Emancipator?” Say why/why not.The Emancipation Proclamation (S2)–By 1862, the outcome of the war was still uncertain 1863would prove to be the turning point in the war.——1863: Emancipation Proclamation is composed by AbrahamLincoln The Emancipation Proclamation was a politicalturning point in the war. Some background leading to it: InAngst, 1861, Congress had passed the Con?scation Act,which mandated that if the federal soldiers took over aterritory, then the Southern slaves there become contraband ofwar and essentially ?’eed by the federal government. Thisdisconcerted President Lincoln, however, because his generalswere freeing slaves without Presidential approval and wantedthe states to gradual end slavery. In J& 1861, Fremontproclaimed that Missouri slaves of disloyal masters would befreed. Lincoln asked Fremont to moderate this offer to beingcontraband, which Fremont refused to do and is thus ?red. Jan1862, Cameron also tried to free slaves in Washington DC,but he is sent away to Russia by Lincoln. May 1862, Hunter inFlorida and Georgia argued that martial law and slavery wasincompatible and he decides to tree the slaves; Lincoln annulsthis edict. Slaves would cross into Union lines in_o_r’_der__t_9 gaintheir freedom, but they were treated as contraband, whichmeans that they were not given weapons or a uniform. Theseslaves travelled along with the army however. The Emancipation Proclamation Continued (S3)–LincoLn decides to write the Emancipation Proclamationbecause he knew it would undercut the economic system of theSouth and being the war to a faster end. Lincoln also wrote itin_g_1jr_1_e_r__t_g attain abolitionist Britain’s support and theadvocacv of the radical Republicans. In Julv 1862. Lincoln revised his plan for emancipation and read it to his cabinet,where the slaves would be freed unless the Confederacy cameback into the Union. The Confederacy rejects the offer. S:o onJanuary 1, 1863, Lincoln composed the final dra?. In it,Lincoln promises to free slaves in the Confederacy, but not inthe Union, the territories in the Confederacy conquered by theUnion, and in the border states where slaves remain enslaved.This is to undermine the Confederate states and bring about anend to the war by encouraging Southern slaves to leave theirmasters. Lincoln thus referred to the EmancipationProclamation as a military necessity. It is also an act ofpolitical maneuvering in that it gains the support of Britain andthe radical Republicans. Also, it is obviously an act of justice. Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation (S4)It changed the main Northern objective from preserving theUnion to abolishing slavery. In the North, abolitionists wereelated, but conservative Democrats were appalled by Lincoln’suse of presidential power. Free blacks called Lincoln the GreatEmancipator and they were inspired enough to join the armyand the navy. Most Northerners at this time still favoredcolonization. The Confederacy was enraged by theEmancipation Proclamation, so there was no way that theywould want to go back into the Union now. Jefferson Davis,the confederate president, informed Lincoln that he would nottreat black federal soldiers or their white commanders as equalprisoners of wars, so Lincoln said no Southern prisoners wouldbe traded at all and Southern prisoners or war would receivethe same unequal treatment. Southern slaves either left theplantations of just stuck around and pretended to be contentslaves until the war ended. Black Soldiers (SS)

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