DNA profiling

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Technology in criminal justice mangement DNA profiles are founded on non – coding DNA and do not disclose the details related to an individual’s physical appearance. This has been one of the major factors that have made such evidence acceptable (MCharek, 2008, p. 519). DNA profiling has achieved phenomenal success in criminal investigation.Moreover, this feature, in association with the major breakthroughs in the field of genetics has greatly enhanced the value of evidence based on DNA profiling. The present day DNA evidence is not restricted to identification, wherein trace evidence is compared with a suspect’s sample (MCharek, 2008, p. 519).As such, DNA profiling is much more and it has the capacity to generate information about the potential offender. One such development is the inference of visible traits, which is founded on racial classifications (MCharek, 2008, p. 519).By employing more sensitive methods that are based upon the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in conjunction with multiplex marker kits, it has become possible to analyze minute and degenerated biological trace evidence. Furthermore, the volume of DNA profiles produced has increased drastically, due to the introduction of capillary DNA sequencing machines (MCharek, 2008, p. 520).These devices make it possible to achieve a much higher rate of processing samples. This increase has also been attributed to the compilation of DNA databanks, and the additional standardization of working procedures. However, these developments have created several new political and ethical problems (MCharek, 2008, p. 520).In addition, these issues can be classified as difficulties emerging from the use of DNA profiling as a tool for investigation. In the initial stages of the use of this new technology, DNA evidence had functioned as a technology enabling identification.

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