Diversity training

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

When we discuss diversity training what behavior are we trying to change?  This drives the design of the training method, and there are many, such as lecture, on-line, groups, reading, etc.  When we design training programs we must take into consideration how people learn, some people are visual, some are auditory, and some learn by doing.  Given that most diversity training classes will have a mix of people it is not uncommon to see a mix of methods.  Now, another consideration is what is called “longevity of the training.”  This does not mean the length, but it means how long will the information be retained by the trainee before a refresher course is needed.  This factor often determines the method of training.  If you were asked to design a training course, what would be your preferred method of training and how would you determine the longevity, and the success  of the training?

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