Contemporary ethical dilemma

by | Aug 8, 2021 | Assignment

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Contemporary ethical dilemma found in the business world or a topic in business ethics.”. It is in this regard that this paper is written to present relevant contemporary issues in business ethics with actual experience and application in a health organization, St. Luke’s Medical Center.St. Lukes Medical Center (SLMC) is located in the Philippines and has provided high-quality healthcare for over a century. Founded in 1903, its mission is to provide outstanding out-patient care. Today it is the foremost and most admired hospital in the Philippines and an acknowledged leader in Asia. SLMC receives patients from around Asia, Micronesia, the Middle East, Europe and the United States. (SLMC About Us 2009 par. 1)A patient had been confined in a private room in this health institution for almost one month due to chronic illness with diverse complications. Due to her long stay and numerous laboratory, diagnostic and therapeutic examinations, her statement of account reached a staggering amount which could not be immediately covered by the funds of the patient and her family. She had been accompanied by her daughter who helps by providing physical, emotional and financial support. However, due to the critical condition that her mother experiences, their account was classified as “red tag”.

Patients with red tags are immediately referred to the Customer Relations Department who monitors their status and closely coordinates with the Accounting and Cashier Department for settlement and collection purposes. Once a patient has been classified as “red tag”, any procedure (therapeutic, diagnostic, laboratory, etc.) need to be immediately settled prior to the administration of the procedure, regardless of the necessity and the kind of the procedure to be undertaken. The rationale for this is to prevent further increases in the amount due to the hospital which might not be collected nor paid.The patient regularly needs any of…..

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