Compare a new drug to a standard drug

by | Aug 4, 2021 | Assignment

The following table was presented in an article summarizing a study to compare a new drug to a standard drug and to a placebo. Characteristic *New Drug Standard Drug Placebop Age, years45.2 (4.8)44.9 (5.1)42.8 (4.3)0.5746% Female51%55%57%0.1635Annual Income, $000s59.5 (14.3)63.8 (16.9)58.2 (13.6)0.4635% with Insurance87%65%82%0.0352Disease Stage0.0261 Stage I35%18%33% Stage II42%37%47% Stage III23%51%20%*Table entries and Mean (SD) or % Are there any statistically significant differences in the characteristics shown among the treatments?  Justify your answer.Consider the test for differences in age among treatments. Write the hypotheses and the formula of the test statistic used (No computations required – formula only).

Consider the test for differences in insurance coverage among treatments. Write the hypotheses and the formula of the test statistic used (No computations required – formula only).

Consider the test for differences in disease stage among treatments. Write the hypotheses and the formula of the test statistic used (No computations required – formula only).

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