Write an essay on Christina’s World by Andrew Wyeth.
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Description of Painting and Explication of its Importance. Introduction In the contemporary world, most museums seek to display different arts in their bid to communicate to their clientele in artistic manners. This paper describes a famous painting called “Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth. In addition, the paper offers a comprehensive explanation of the importance of this painting. Description In the above painting, the artist reveals a picture of a certain woman who he calls Christina Olson. The painting further reveals that Christina’s eyes focus on a gray house. Consequently, the house, which Christina visualizes, is almost at the horizon of the background, which Christina rests. Christina’s picture is on a background that almost looks like a desert. In addition, Andrew Wyeth places other minute buildings next to the house which Christina eyes. Finally, the artist paints a significant barn next to Christina’s house (Ruhrberg, & Ingo 204). Explication The painting of Christina’s world has deep connotation to any philosopher or student of philosophy.
The painting is important because of its ability to communicate to people who look at it. For example, one is able to understand the polio tragedy, which informs Christina’s stature. It is obvious that any connection, which will arise with the painting, must emanate from such personal connections with the picture. Moreover, the picture enables contemporary individuals to visualize a phenomenon, which occurred a long time ago. In particular, these current citizens are proficient to compare their modern world and that historical world. Evidently, the comparison shapes their reasoning and consequent judgments through their personal worlds (Ruhrberg & Ingo 204). The painting has great philosophical significance. Therefore, it must always receive high standards of protection in the museum, which displays it.Work citedRuhrberg, Karl. & Ingo, Walther. Art of the 20th Century. Ko?ln: Taschen, 2000. Print