Write the following essay on What are most important causes of radical islamist terrorism in South Asia(PAKISTAN). The essay is to be 16 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.Terrorist have become a weapon of war while hiding behind a selfish religious background that does not play by the rule of religious laws. Political and economic waves within the country that have fuelled radicalization can be linked to poor leadership within the country. Autocratic leadership, corruption and high poverty levels in Pakistan have further fuelled the problem. From this perspective, the increase in radical Islam terrorism in South Asia is a consequence of weak leadership. The essay seeks to identify the various causes of terrorism within the country and possible approaches to contain the problem.Since its founding in the 1950s, Pakistan has had a long history of terrorism. The government estimates over 35,000 deaths of Pakistanis and an economic loss of about $68 billion within the country as a result of Islam extremist war. Although the country has had a consistent 6% growth in its economy, the country remains heavily indebted due to over expenditure in non-developmental projects such as Security due to its rivalry with nearby countries such as India1. Pakistan is a country that was founded shortly after India gained independence within areas that had high concentration of Islams.2 The Muslims intended to establish their own territories and to become a liberal state where they could worship freely and uphold their traditions. The Muslims felt that their social interaction with other religions was becoming a threat to their religious value and they were falling in the risk of religious dilution. As they refer to Islam as a way of life, they felt that acquiring freedom would be the best approach to sustaining their values in globalising world.The terrorism in Pakistan has had both internal and external implication in the world. Within the country, terrorism has subdivided the country into two religious groups
Causes of radical islamist terrorism
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