Botany plant diversity

by | Aug 16, 2021 | Assignment

BOTANY-PLANT DIVERSITYQuestion 1 Describe in detail the life cycles of Polypodium, a typical fern, AND Pinus, a typical conifer (review the illustrated life cycles in the textbook). In addition, specifically address the following: a. Significant similarities between these life cycles b. Significant differences between these life cycles c. Significant assets and liabilities of vascular plant life cycles with and without seeds Question 2 Describe and discuss the first land flora (vascular plants) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should also include the following: a. References to geologic time of origin and/or decline of this flora b. Factors that may have influenced the distribution, success and/or decline of this flora c. Names and brief descriptions of important phyla and genera that dominated this flora Question 3 Describe and discuss the second flora (the “Coal Age Flora”) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should also include the following: a. References to geologic time of origin and/or decline of this flora. b. Factors that may have influenced the distribution, success and/or decline of this flora c. Names and brief descriptions of important phyla and genera that dominated this flora Question 4 Describe and discuss the third land flora (the “Gymnosperm Flora”) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should also include the following: a. References to geologic time of origin and/or decline of this flora b. Factors that may have influenced the distribution, success and/or decline of this flora c. Names and brief descriptions of the most important phyla and genera that dominated this flora Question 5 (20 points) Describe and discuss the fourth land flora (the “Angiosperm Flora”) that evolved on Earth. Your answer should also include the following: a. References to geologic time of origin of this flora b. Factors that may have influenced the distribution and success of this flora (Hint: pollination and seed dispersal mechanisms, including coevolution of the animal groups often involved in these mechanisms, should be a prominent feature of your answer) c. Names and brief descriptions of some of the most important groups that dominate this flora

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