Authorship and guideline

by | Aug 22, 2021 | Assignment

Complete 1 page APA formatted essay: Discussion AUTHORSHIP & GUIDELINES.Since nursing practice is universal, the practice documented for a particular region can effectively be used by a different group of people. This is one reason practicing nurses need to publish. With the current technological advancements, the documented or published positive and effective practice in one place can be implemented in a wide range of settings for the benefit of the profession and the communities. Advancement in education should be tied closely to the need for publishing (Broome, Riner, & Allam, 2013). The knowledge gained should allow for professional development and the expansion of the knowledge base of the profession. It is, therefore, recommended that the nurses, pursuing higher education such as doctoral programs should publish and contribute to the body of knowledge.Daily nursing practices derives greatly from the published literatures. This implies that for nursing practice to be updated and in line with the current requirements, the practicing nurses should not only do research but also make sure that this research is available for others to use in practice (Lake, Moss, & Duke, 2009). This is possible through embracing of publishing for practicing nurses.Broome, M. E., Riner, M. E., & Allam, E. S. (2013). Scholarly publication practices of Doctor of Nursing Practice-prepared nurses. The Journal of Nursing Education, 52, 429–34. doi:10.3928/01484834-20130718-02Lake, S., Moss, C., & Duke, J. (2009). Nursing prioritization of the patient need for care: A tacit knowledge embedded in the clinical decision-making literature. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 15, 376–388.

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