Length: 5-6 pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, not including list of Works Cited)· Format: MLA or APA style (including in-text citations and list of Works Cited/References)· Submit to: Moodle and Taskstream (as .doc or .docx files)· Prompt: Use one of the critical reading strategies we are studying this semester (psychological, biographical, or gender) to analyze a literary work by one of the authors listed below. Suggested texts are indicated in parentheses next to each authors name. It is imperative that you work on this assignment consistently throughout the term.
- Organize your essay around a thesis that is clear, specific, and debatable. There is information about thesis development here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/616/02/.
- When doing research to learn more about the author and text, be sure to use scholarly sources. There is information about distinguishing between scholarly and popular sources here: http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/peabody/tutorial_files/scholarlyfree/. A good database to begin your research with is the Literary Reference Center Plus (access available through TUs library website). Here is a link to the librarys website: http://www.tiffin.edu/library/.· Authors:Al-Sanea, Rajaa (Girls of Riyadh)