Analysis on Charleston Shooter

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Assignment

Complete 1 page APA formatted article:

Analysis of the Article Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Wanted an AR-15 by Brumfield.

The social environment is founded on the principle of personal security which means that people should not harm others in any way. However, the author argues that this sacred principle did not have any significance to the shooter in question: he wanted to increase the damage that he was planning with buying an assault rifle. The shooter in question was trying to killing as many people as possible in order to make his “message” more convincing. This means that he treated other people as potential victims and nothing more. On the other hand, other than his fascination with the white supremacist doctrine he looked like an ordinary young man and one could hardly guess that he had such violent inclinations. This means that this kind of news shows that any person around us could potentially be the next maniac who starts shooting people.

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