Write at least 350 words (combined), in the two questions pretty easy just ran into a time-management issue. The only catch is that I’d need it in 8 hrs…doable? please let me know, thanks:1.Please review the link below or another link regarding American Airlines recent union negotiations for their Pilots. Please comment on the benefits that they are seeking and provide your thoughts. http://www.dallasnews.com/business/airline-industry/20141114-pilots-union-makes-counterproposal-to-american-airlines.ece2.Why are union officials likely to oppose flexible work hours and other innovative work schedules? Please post your response and include reference material.SPECIFICATIONS:Format: APAFont: Times New Roman, 12pt, Double-spacedLength: at least 100 words for Q1 and 250 words for Q2.Sources: 2 credible (not Wikipedia, or other like source)Due: 16 April 2015 (8hrs from acception of assignment)
American Airlines
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