Allocation rate

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Required: A- What is the support department’s allocation rate if estimated activity is the allocation base? B What is the support department’s allocation rate if actual activity is the allocation base? C List one advantages and one disadvantage for each types of allocation rate. (3 points) Question no 2 A housekeeping support department budgets its costs at SR40,000 per month plus SR 12 / hour. For January the followingwere the estimated and actual hours provided by the housekeeping support department to 3 operating department.Estimated hours spent cleaning Actual hours spent cleaning Department A 1600 1500Department B 1400 1600Department C 2000 1800Total 5000 4900 Required: A- What is the support department’s allocation rate ifestimated activity is the allocation base? B What is the support department’s allocation rate if actualactivity is the allocation base? C List one advantages and one disadvantage for each types of allocation rate. (3 points)

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