African American social work

by | Aug 25, 2021 | Assignment

Write 3 pages with APA style on African American social work. There came up different African American social work agencies and schools that wanted to see Africans out of these conditions. Poverty was a great setback to the development of the Africans (Thyer, Wodarski and Myers, 2010 pg 89). Africans would have not been economically stable after being sidelined in the society socially, politically and economically. One of the factors is the agencies have tried to come up with a committee that comes up with ideas that can help in developing Africans. African American students have been faced with financial problems. therefore, this committee tried to come up with methods that can be used to finance those students who could not afford paying for their schooling. This is a vital strategy especially in avoiding the rate of dropouts of blacks. Financial problems emanate from an individual’s background. Africans were mostly faced with high poverty levels therefore this status cannot allow them to access schooling. This saw many black students recruited in school (Harris and Graham, 2007pg 35). Admission to graduate schools was based racial factors whereby blacks were sidelined. On realizing this, African American social work agencies tried to increase the number of black students in the graduate school through campaigns.

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