ACID-BASE EXTRACTIONProcedure1. Dissolve your mixture in 25 mL of ether.2. Pour the solution into a clean separatory funnel (125 mL) and add 25 mL of 10%aqueous sodium hydroxide.3. Stopper the funnel and invert it. Slowly open the stopcock to release any built uppressure, then close the stopcock (Figure 2).4. Gently shake the separatory funnel to allow intimate mixing of the solutions and effectextraction of the compound from the organic mixture. (Caution: When shaken, themixture may develop pressure; be sure to vent it periodically).5. Clamp the separatory funnel to a retort stand and allow the mixture to separate intotwo layers (Figure 3).6. Remove the stopper and collect the aqueous layer (the lower layer) in the 125 mLErlenmeyer flask labeled “sodium hydroxide”.7. Repeat steps 3-7 one more time draining each portion successively into the same flask.At the end of this sequence you will have extracted the organic solution with two 25mL portions of 10% aqueous sodium hydroxide.8. Put the Erlenmeyer flask labeled “sodium hydroxide” aside in a safe place.9. Add 25 m of 5% aqueous HCI to the separatory funnel with the remaining ether.10. Stopper the funnel and invert it. Slowly open the stopcock to release any built uppressure, then close the stopcock.11. Gently shake the separatory funnel to allow intimate mixing of the solutions and effectextraction of the compound from the organic mixture.12. Clamp the separatory funnel to a retort stand and allow the mixture to separate intotwo layers.13. Remove the stopper and collect the aqueous layer in the 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasklabeled “Hydrogen chloride”.14. Repeat steps 10-14 one more time draining each portion successively into the sameflask. At the end of this sequence you will have extracted the organic solution withtwo 25 mL portions of 5 % aqueous hydrogen chloride.15. Put the Erlenmeyer flask labeled “hydrogen chloride” aside in a safe place.
Acid base destruction
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