Write 10 pages with APA style on Ethics in Computing. In general, computing is very vital to all aspects of life today (Begg, 2005).The world is undergoing an information revolution and this has changed the aspects of many other sectors in significant degrees. Some of the areas that have been changed include entertainment, employment, security, commerce, transportation and medicine. It is important to note that these areas are just a few of the areas that have been changed by the computing revolution the world is going through. With so many areas being affected by the computing industry, many aspects of life have also been affected either positively or negatively and this is mainly in the family life, community life, relationships between humans, democracy, education, freedom and careers. These are just some of the aspects that have been affected by the computing industry. This precipitates the importance of the computer and information ethics which broadly means that the field should have applied ethics which are very instrumental in studying and analyzing the ethical and social impacts of information and communication technology (Philippa, 1967).Specifically, computer ethics have been used in reference to the professional philosophers’ application of traditional theories of western origin which include such theories as Kantianism, utilitarianism or the virtue ethics and these is incorporated into the field of computer and computer networks. This field is also concerned with professional code of ethics and also good practice standards which are to be practiced by the professionals in this field. Other codes of ethics that have been incorporated in the computer ethics include cyber ethics and internet ethics which are concerned with the cyber space and the internet respectively (Begg, 2005). The stakeholders in the computing industryThe stakeholders of the computing industry can be classified into two categories namely. the primary and the secondary stakeholders. The stakeholders play a very important part in the computing industry ethics and also in ensuring that the industry upholds to the integrity that is concerned with various issues in the industry (Huff, 1995).The primary stakeholders include the companies in the stakeholders and there are many all over the world. The companies that are involved in the computing industry include some big names in the corporate world like Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Apple, Panasonic, NEC, Hewlett and Packard, Silicon Graphics and a host of other companies. The play a very important role in the industry and this is by ensuring that the offer the market basic computing equipments and accessories. They are also involved in developing the quality of the products they offer the market and hence they play a very important part in ensuring that computing industry is incorporated in other various aspects of life (Flanagan, 2008).The other primary stakeholders are the organizations that have been formed to look into the various activities that are involved in the computing industry. These include such organizations as Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS), International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), and Computer Measurement Group (CMG) among other organizations.
Ethics in computing
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