Leadership in corporate strategy

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Submit a 500 words essay on the topic Leadership in corporate strategy.But the modern concept of leadership has experienced sea change. The present standards of the industry focus on the fact that the strategy should come from within the organisation. There are certain limitations of the strategies getting out – sourced. Firstly, it limits the issues upon which such strategies are based and secondly,the out – sourced strategies are also limited by timeframe. Most importantly, the management of the organisation might not have any clue upon which the external consultants would have prepared the strategy.The companies of the present day are growing organically and so it is more than a requirement that the organisations have both the internal and the external factors analysed in the strategy. It is the own management and the leadership of any company that has the best idea about the vision and mission of the organisation. The other important factor is that the strategies and the leadership should be dynamic as the environments are changing every now and then. The leadership of the organisations should aptly understand the scope and the future trends. And for the purpose, the process of strategy formulation should be a continuous and never ending for the organisations. It is the Chief Executive Officer who is the head of the strategy formulation of any organisation assisted by other key members and the job should not ideally be outsourced as it is only the management of the organisation that can have the right knowledge about the vision, mission and the objectives of the company. Also, the internal rank holders have fair idea about the organisational politics and abilities which often becomes important differentiators.It can be well analysed from the case study that increasing emphasis are laid upon the real objectives of the businesses as the author puts stress upon the fact of identification of vision of the organisation. The strategy formulation and implementation is a thorough and continuous process and should

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