Case response

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Case Response The store takes considerable time and effort to hire employees who “fit” the company’s culture and values. This effort means additional recruiting and selection attention by HR staff and operating managers. The firm also pays higher wages than many retailers pay and offers a competitive benefits package. Incentive programs allow some hourly employees to earn extra averaging an additional 25% of base pay. As a result, the store consistently has highly motivated and enthusiastic employees. In addition, the company’s turnover rate is 80% lower than are other area retailers. The firm also spends considerable time training its employees, which is much more than the annual training typical at other retailers. Extensive use of internal promotions demonstrates the firm’s commitment to providing career opportunities for employees.Managers are expected to keep in constant communication with employees, help in various jobs in the stores, and be more team leaders than “supervisors.” HR professionals have responsibilities in some areas of store operations, so that they maintain a sense of what employees and managers face daily and weekly.All of these activities take considerable effort, but the payoffs make them worthwhile. Sales at the firm have increased annually and the number of customers has increased as well. Obviously, the Candy Store has the organizational design that enables its employees to be significant contributors to its success. Questions: Discuss how the Candy Store’s culture is positively enhanced by the company’s HRM policies, activities and practices. Case ResponseThe store takes considerable time and effort to hire employees who "fit" the company’sculture and values. This effort means additional recruiting and selection attention by…

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