Impact of globalization on women

by | Jun 15, 2021 | Assignment

Compose a 250 words assignment on impact of globalization on women.

Needs to be plagiarism free!

This reveals the women have been denied equal rights to schools as the boys (Hamid, 2013). Women are their worst enemies and lack financial aid to empower themselves. The novel talks about children living with their parents. The mother in law is a reckoning force in persecuting her fellow women in the house. This reveals many similarities that the women in Asia face with monetary institutions. The women complain about the tough conditions that are put in place to get a loan in Asia (Bhagwati, 2004). There are also good fortunes that befell women in Asia, hard work focus and dedications, make the women be successive.

The young boy that survives in the city and become successful falls in love with a young woman who strongly works her way through to become successive. There is corruption, cartels lack funds and unemployment that face women in Asia. This is told through the young man’s interaction with women in the streets. The wrong influence of globalization and the acquiring of negative is the main catalyst in the hurdles facing women. However, through perseverance there is a success.

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