EHR recommendations

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Please use Milestone Three Template provided. Overview: In the final project for this course, you will be tasked with making EHR recommendations for a fictional organization from the provided scenario. You will start by reviewing the organization itself so that you can get a good look into what services they provide to better accommodate their specific needs. Next you will review options for EHRs and make recommendations that you think will work best based on the organization’s needs.Prompt: In this milestone, you will brainstorm your approach to implementing a new EHR. To support you in this milestone, revisit Chapter 5 of Introduction to Computer Systems for Health Information Technology to help you think about testing, and education and training approaches.Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:Implementation: In this section of the assessment, you will brainstorm your approach to implementing a new EHR.A. Determine how data entry will be completed and explain why this approach is efficient for users.B. Determine an appropriate approach to testing the new EHR to ensure functionality and eliminate any bugs.C. Describe how you would approach education and training around the new EHR within the organization.RubricGuidelines for Submission: This milestone should be 1–2 pages in length and submitted as a Word document. All sources should be in APA format.

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