Process of developing new software

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Assignment

Q1. This week we discuss the overall process of developing new software. Please also note the differences between software development and methods. Note:Your response should be 250-300 words. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)Q2. (Chapter 5): What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model? Sharda, R., Delen, D., Turban, E. (2020). Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support Note: Your response should be 250-300 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

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