Cognitive Functioning

by | Jun 13, 2021 | Assignment

Require reading this book “Aging Matters, Hooyman, Kawamoto & Kiyak (2017) eBook availability chapter 3 and 4Module 4


Whether and how our personality and cognitive functioning – our ability to learn and retain information – change with age is a critical focus. How we think, learn, and remember is critical to our performance in every aspect of our lives. Most intelligence tests taken by older people show a classic aging pattern of scores: lower functioning on performance of tests of skills such as perceptual speed but stable scores on verbal scales. Cognitive capability varies widely, even within an individual on different tests – decline is not inevitable. The classic aging pattern suggests that our ability to recall stored verbal information and to use abstract reasoning tends to remain constant. Self-esteem as we age appears to be a defining factor in one’s ability to redefine one’s self-concept as prior roles change and are lost. Elders who remain physically, cognitively, and socially active, despite facing adversity, are characterized by resilience and their ability to draw upon internal and external strengths. Dementia, due to both reversible and irreversible conditions, results in major impairments of cognitive function, especially recall of recent events, comprehension, learning, attention and orientation to time, place and person

Module 4 Objectives:

At the end of this module, the student will be able to:

1. Describe cognitive functioning in older adulthood

2. Discuss common age-associated changes in intelligence, learning and memory

3. Describe different theories of personality and the factors that promote resilient and positive aging

4. Demonstrate knowledge of the different types of mental disorders among some older adults, risk factors and treatment for such diseases Module 4 Resources / Materials:1. Textbook reading: Chapter 4 Mental & Emotional Well-Being3.


Aging and Cognition Alzheimer’s TED Talk Neurological Epidemic TED Talk

Module 4 Assessments:

1. Discussion Board Reflection: 50 points

Write 2-3 double-spaced pages reflecting on the following case/scenario:

Using the content found in Chapters 3 & 4, describe the physical and mental well-being of an older adult. Be sure to be specific on the details, and include two outside resources to back up your reflection. One of those resources should be a personal communication with an older adult. Think of this as a mini-evaluation as to how this person is doing. This will give you some practice for the Life Review Paper due at the end of the semester.

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