Submit a 2750 words essay on the topic Uses appropriate and relevant theory , concepts and wider reading to critically evaluate how any organisation currently located in south wales or thinking of locating there could be affected and impacted by the plan for HS2 into wales as part of an integr.In the face of positive economic statistics, there are questions as to whether the High Speed Line will actually provide benefits for Wales. Wales currently maintains diverse manufacturing industries which contribute to the countrys GDP growth. Wales is a major producer of aluminium, supplying the majority of the UKs entire aluminium needs (Eurostat 2013). The country also produces one-fifth of the UKs total oil products, is a significant producer of products servicing the automotive industry, and is a major producer of titanium which is utilised in jet component production and in the medical industry (TIMET 2015). Hence, at the microeconomic level, Wales is a major contributor to the Gross Domestic Product of the entire United Kingdom under the current state of the infrastructure.This research project addresses whether HS2 can make significant economic contributions to Wales, with a special emphasis on whether the rail can entice business investment and incentivise companies setting a global agenda in Wales. Based on all findings, it would appear that whilst HS2 will likely not cause significant negative impact on Wales, the contributions to the Welsh economy are trivial, offering recommendations that the line be put on hold as it pertains to Welsh stakeholder interests.The local rail line in Wales is self-sufficient, meaning that key areas in Wales are currently serviced by a busy and well-utilised rail system. The typical life cycle of a train in the current railway system is 25-30 years (Salveson 2012). Hence, there are not short-term expenditures required to ensure quality and sustainable transport systems in the current rail system, with a significant period before trains reach their decline/replacement stage. In Wales alone, the current urban rail system services 81 different destinations within the country and maintains access to other major cities in the UK such as Manchester and
Uses appropriate and relevant theory
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