Submit a 750 words essay on the topic Career Action Plan and Self Reflection.This essay analyzes and discusses the areas of strength or core competencies of the researcher. Based on that study, the researcher will be developing his CV and a carer action plan. In addition, the researcher also carries out a personal analysis and a gap analysis. Apart from that the researcher also emphasizes on his team working abilities. Finally, the researcher draws a conclusion that is based on the personal analysis. The essay mostly focuses on analysing of the opportunities of self employment in the Informational Technology field of industry. From the essay the researcher have found that Informational Technology industry is one of the booming industries of the world today. The essay also revealed that the IT industry is presently valued at $1,183.3 billion and is expected to reach $1,549.7 billion by 2016. Moreover in USA, the self employment opportunities in this sector have increased substantially recent years. In the previous essay the researcher have found that opportunities for graduates in IT sector are very high and can offer a good career. Due to stringent competition, more and more graduates are therefore taking up self employment in Information Technology sector. Now in this context, the researcher states that he needs to enhance his technical skills and needs to a get a technical certification for getting self employed. Therefore on a whole, the researcher believes that self employment in the IT industry can provide good opportunities and can help the researcher to witness growth in his career.
Career Action Plan and Self Reflection
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