Statement of clarification

by | Aug 17, 2021 | Assignment

Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing viewpoints with a rationale, challenging aspects of the discussion, or indicating relationships between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progressReply to my peersPeer 1Personal Education PhilosophyI have been a Registered Nurse for over 14 years, and have held several nursing positions. I began my career as a Licensed Practical nurse working in an assisted living facility. I decided to return to school to obtain my RN licenses to further my nursing career. I would say that I excelled in nursing school due to my previous experiences as a LPN. I found that the clinical’s were fairly easy and I didn’t require much assistance with clinical rotations. I in fact, was proud that I could come into clinical’s and shine. I would often tell other students how to chart and how to perform bedside care. My educational approach was to tell the learner what to do and then give them feedback.I began my Registered Nursing career in a specialty hospital, which was as it name suggests, was very special. The hospital had cases with stage 4 wounds and patients that require mental health treatment. I was not use to this type of environment at all. With everything I had previously learned as a LPN, I was not ready for this new role. I had to go through the orientation process in order to prepare for the new job. I was a mother of two at that time and my education philosophy was more of a passive learning style. I would respond to the task at hand. I had to change my way of thinking in order to learn the new processes of this facility. I was taught in a constructive way that actually heightened my nursing abilities. I was no longer nursing by a problem-response module. I was taught to anticipate the needs of the patients and I was taught specific skills as it related to patient care. The education process was peer coaching with mirroring of the preceptor. The difference was that as a LPN you were told what to do and you would do it. As, a RN the education process is different and it allows more hand on training before expecting to do a task. I learned to rethink the education process. As Bastable says,” The outcomes of the education process are achieved when changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills occur”(Bastable, 2017).My education philosophy has greatly changed since I transitioned from a LPN to a RN. I know the importance of assessing the learning needs of the person to be trained and also to develop a plan before going into a teaching session. This has positively influenced me as a nurse and a mother.ReferencesBastable,S. B. (2017). Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice (5th Edition). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.Peer 2Learning Theories and Personal MotivationAs stated in the text, a learning theory is a coherent framework of integrated constructs and principles that describe , explain, or predict how people learn. The two learning theories i will discuss is pscyhological learning theory and motor learning theory. Psychological learning theory is useful in acquiring inormation and in situations involving human thought,emotions, and social interaction. Motor learning theory is a particular interest to nurses as they try to help their patients and students acquire or learn skills. So the more I further my education the more valuable I will be to my patients. I will learn to build relationships with my patients . My ability to communicate and educate my patients will be stronger. I will effectively help my patients be more compliant with their disease process and medication by listening and communicating and problem solving issues that may affect their ability to be compliant. Barriers to learning include lack of knowledge and confidence, lack of motivation, environmentally issues , cognitive and mental issues , and past experiences. As a nurse understanding barriers that may affect your patient from learning is a key in effectively communicating and teaching a patient skills as well educating them on their disease process.Reference:Bastable, S. B. (2017).Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. (5th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN: 9781449497501

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