Submit a 250 words paper on the topic Collective Culture. If each citizen of our nation is made to realize the essence of ancestral efforts in several aspects, building on trust, goodwill, and pride with shared humanity, it would be spontaneously possible to take responsibility of individual actions and possess the initiative to align ones behavior with a sense of patriotism and selfless interest. This way, respect and the value of dignity are gradually established and a citizen in this position develops a profound level of communication and confidence from which to radiate genuine concern to fellow countrymen. Interdependence results in the process instead of indifference so that this enables our culture to prosper to a considerable degree which extends to the aspect of the economy and diplomatic relations abroad. It then creates a picture of effortlessly dealing with cross-cultural endeavors and supporting cultural heritage beyond this nation, eliminating conflicts that arise when negative motives are rather perceived in not understanding the meaning of origins in a continuum where potential unseen similarities may gather various cultures together to a point of empowering the stewardship intended for culture well-being (LeBaron, 2003). Besides the character which an academic institution aims for each learner to acquire in breaking the unhealthy misconception regarding differences among cultures, one may further assume such role based on a chosen field or profession. For instance, Nova Scotians of Canada is found capable of determining businesspeople to pay special attention for the welfare of cultural heritage through financial contributions, rendering services to or adapting a heritage structure so as to directly facilitate its preservation (A Heritage, 2008). Municipalities, likewise, may be expected to share in this objective by maintaining a local heritage by paid exhibitions and for government authorities to allow greater freedom of expression for indigenous people who could well speak of their sensible association to the basic culture (2008). It is, therefore, appealing to hope that as we yield authentic love for our cultural richness, to a greater extent, this affection spreads across humanity, recognizes cultural diversity, and dissolves unnecessary borders with them.
Collective Culture
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