Visual Elements

by | Aug 16, 2021 | Assignment

Visual Elements in a 2D Drawing Found in Home or Workplace WorksheetPlease use your textbook to review the definitions of visual elements. Please also write in complete sentences and use APA citation as needed.Insert image of work of art.Artist’s Name:Date created (if unknown, put “n.d.” for no date):Please define line, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define shape and mass, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define light, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define color and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define texture and pattern, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define space, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.Please define time and motion, and describe how it is seen in the drawing. Your response must be at least one paragraph (3-5 sentences) in length.

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