Write the following essay In 333 words, defend or refute the accusation that Alone Together is the misguided rant of an alarmist Luddite. You may wish to refer to MIT Profile, London Review of Books, Christian Educators Journal, Inventing the Self, T. David Gordon, Brian Sarnacki,. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.This is because. we escape our real life by subjecting ourselves to social robots for care and companionship. We seek solace in our smart phones and romance these machines at the expense of our lives (Turkle, 3). Moreover, we are no longer interested in face to face communication but skimming through internet.Networks such as face book twitter and Skype connect us to different people, those close and far. People immerse themselves in social networks to share their private, social lives, ideas and meet potential lovers. Some hide their true identities in these networks, because we shy away (Turkle, 1). This makes technology an imagination other than reality in life, for we lie about our identities. Technology takes over our lives that we barely have time for immediate relations. It interferes with our communication systems as one chooses to text instead of call. This limits the bond between us and our loved ones, as we find difficulty in facing them with our opinions.Technology creates a false feeling of belonging in imaginary world with people we barely know. We averagely spend 8.5 a day online, either chatting or texting each other. Through social networks, we are hurt by peoples disapproval of our posts and pictures. We are not peaceful with our identities for other people define us. This shows how much effort we put on impressing people than our
Defend or refute the accusation
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