Geoffrey Chaucer Machiavellian

by | Aug 4, 2021 | Assignment

Write an article on was Geoffrey Chaucer Machiavellian Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! In this respect, they have greatly influenced leadership models that have been adopted through time. Emergent philosophers have also borrowed heavily from the insights that were initially put forth by this philosopher. Perhaps the most pronounced in this regard was Geoffrey Chaucer. Notably, his life was greatly influenced by the Machiavellian principle. It is against this background that this paper provides an explicit review of how Chaucer exhibited Machiavellianism. To enhance coherence, it begins by underscoring the principles of this philosophy. Basically, Machiavellian principle places great emphasis on the concept of governance. In particular, it addresses the notion of idealism and suggests informative ways through which the government of a given population can operate with utmost ease. In detail, this philosophy advocates for a type of leadership that is manipulative, objective and overly dictatorial. The chief proponent of this philosophy proposes that any mode of governance needs to be augmented by the services of a strong army. He posits that this offers a strong basement upon which a strong state can be established. With respect to virtuous living, Machiavelli believes that no leader can be virtuous enough to satisfy the expectations of all his subjects (Pearsall 59). Nonetheless, leaders need to strive towards attaining virtuous living in order to maintain credible performance and safeguard their reputation. A review of Chaucer’s life, works and general philosophy indicates that he is Machiavellian. He borrows heavily from the preceding principles and seemingly, these inform his decisions, career, education, social life and general way of life. In his biographical review, Pearsall indicates that Chaucer came from a well to do economic background (Pearsall 61). Probably, his father was one of the richest merchants in the region. This enabled him to attend good schools and gain quality education from a very tender age. From this point of view, his background was already grounded on the Machiavellian propositions regarding a strong army. Strength in this regard can be defined in terms of knowledge, strength and expertise. His strong education implies that Machiavellianism greatly influenced his decisions from the very initial stages of his life. In 1357, he enrolled in the house of Elizabeth to perform court responsibilities. Historical evidence indicates that persons from the middle class faction were mostly placed in these positions in order to familiarize themselves with the duties of the royalty. After two years, Chaucer was recruited to serve in the army under the leadership of Edward III. Although he was captured during the offensive at Reims, he was ransomed later on. Then, he was given a chance to serve in diplomatic missions and effectively represented the government abroad. At this point, it is worth appreciating that his career life revolved around serving in governance and in the arm. From their point of view, Chaucer and Larry ascertain that elative decisions were informed by the need to remain assertive in the society (Chaucer and Larry 71). Typically, the roles of the army tend to involve violence and fighting. Cruelty and objectivity are notions that are intrinsic to the values and attitudes that are assumed by the army men.

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