Creating Job Descriptions and Interview Questions
Step 1 Read the following scenario. Consider a mid-size IT organization with approximately 8,500 employees. Its headquarters are in the United States and its employees work in its offices located in 32 countries. The company went public five years ago, and it has been growing at the rate of 20 percent per year ever since.
Step 2 Write a job description. Write a job description for the HR management director of this organization. Remember to consider the strategic goals and HR strategic plan as you develop the requirements for this position. Create 10 questions that you can use to interview candidates for the position of HRM director at the company. The questions should include probes for additional information and desired responses. A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper, double-spaced with 12 point Arial font Recruiting and Selecting the “Right” People Step 1 Read the following scenario. You work for a medium-sized, high-tech firm that faces intense competition. Change seems to be the only constant at your workplace, and each worker’s responsibilities change with the project assigned. Suppose you are responsible for filling the job openings at your company.
Step 2 Answer the following questions. Assuming the role outlined in Step 1, describe the process you would follow for recruiting and selecting the best personnel. How would you identify the best personnel to work in this environment? A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper, double-spaced with 12 point Arial font Case Study: Simulate Objectives Identify the role of new employee orientation Describe the basic training and development process Identify opportunities to use employee development to retain employees. Explain the employee’s, manager’s, and employer’s career development roles Assignment Overview. This assignment examines employee training effectiveness. Deliverables A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper, double-spaced with 12 point Arial font Step 1 Read the scenario. Simu flite, a Texas aviation training company, expected to beat the competition with FastTrack-its computer-based training (CBT) curriculum for corporate pilots. Instead, the new venture sent Simu flite into a nose dive. An analysis revealed that in traditional ground-school training, pilots asked questions and learned from war stories told by classmates and instructors.
However, with FastTrack, pilots sat in front of a computer for hours, trying to absorb information. Their only interaction was to tap the computer screen to provide answers to questions, and that novelty wore off quickly. Pilots soon got bored with the CBT ground school, and as a result, it was deemed ineffective. Step 2 Answer the questions. Post responses to the following questions: What does Simulates experience suggest about the limitations of interactive media and CBT? In which situations is CBT most likely to be beneficial to the trainees? Planning Careers and Demand Objectives Explain the employee’s, manager’s, and employer’s career development roles Identify the issues to consider when making promotion decisions Describe methods for enhancing diversity through career management Assignment Overview This assignment explores the current employee’s motivation and outlook on career development. Deliverables two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper, double-spaced with 12-point Arial font Step 1 Read the scenario.
According to a 2003 survey in the United Kingdom, many recent college graduates, who had not yet found their first jobs, were already planning “career breaks” and were maintaining their hobbies and other interests. As one report put it, “the next generation of workers is determined not to wind up on the hamster wheel of long hours with no play.” Part of the problem seems to be that many already see their friends “putting in more than 48 hours a week” at work. Career experts reviewing the results concluded that many of these recent college graduates “are not looking for high-pay, high-profile jobs anymore.” Instead, they seem to prefer to “compartmentalize” their lives and decrease the number of hours they spend at work so that they can pursue their hobbies and interests. Step 2 Answer the following questions. Based on the scenario above, do you think these findings in the United Kingdom are also applicable in the United States? If so, what career advice would you give to these recent college graduates if you were mentoring them? Explain three key pieces of advice. Case Study: Ford and Nasser Objectives .
Explain the process of establishing pay rates. Evaluate the differences in compensating managerial and professional jobs Assignment Overview. This assignment explores the ethical implications of severance pay at different levels of employment. Deliverable A two- to three-page (500- to 750-word) paper, double-spaced with 12 point Arial font Step 1 Read the scenario.
In 2002, Ford made public some of the details related to the firing of the former CEO Jacques A. Nasser, which followed a $5.4 billion loss during his last year in the job (Mullaney & Darnell, 2002). In addition to an annual pension for life of nearly $1 million, the 53-year old ex-CEO received performance bonuses through 2003. He also received full payment on stock granted to him in 2001. It isn’t known how many shares he received, but his 2000 award was worth $5.8 million in January 2002 (Business Week, January 14, 2002). This type of “sweet severance package is not unusual when a corporation terminates a CEO for lackluster performance. Step 2 Answer the questions.
Based on the scenario, answer the following questions:
CREATING JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Job descriptions1. Develops business enterprise strategies by using identifying and learning human resources issues; contributing statistics.