Need an argumentative essay on 1920’s Prohibition.
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However, it led to rise of even graver social ills particularly organized crime, leading to more repercussions. “Prohibition was the period in United States history…It was a time characterized by speakeasies, glamour, and gangsters and a period of time in which even the average citizen broke the law. (Rosenberg). So, this paper focusing on the Prohibition period will discuss, how it led to the rise of crime mafia and organized crime, as they indulged in illegal bootlegging, thereby allowing them to enter legitimate business. The need to implement Prohibition began in the 19th century, immediately after the end of the American Revolution, with the Temperance movement taking the initiative.
After the revolution, drinking of alcohol among the men rose leading to many social ills particularly crime and murder, as well as domestic violence with the men of the family getting addicted to alcohol and shedding their familial and work responsibilities. “Prohibition, members of the Temperance movement urged, would stop husbands from spending all the family income on alcohol and prevent accidents in the workplace caused by workers who drank during lunch.” (Rosenberg). After several decades of moderate struggle with no major results, the movement changed focus and pushed for complete Prohibition. This pressure from the temperance movement only led the United States Senate proposing the Eighteenth Amendment, and the passing of “Volstead Act”, the popular name given to the National Prohibition Act.
After the implementation of Prohibition, the administrators and the public expected that the crime and anti-social activities caused by alcohol consumption would come down. In addition, the administrators hoped that with reduced crime, government’s spending on running and maintaining prisons can also be reduced maximally, thereby diverting those funds to improve health.